Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Roast that broccoli.

I started my day with a HUGE mistake.  Not a point deduction kind of mistake, but the kind that sort of shot me in the foot...I had a four block breakfast by accident instead of three.  I blame it on the fact that I had a smoothie and smoothie is a gross word and that is why.  So I skipped my morning one-block snack to make up for it, which made me hungry for lunch way too early.  Having lunch early made my afternoon pretty dicey because oh wowzers was I hungry by 3pm. My one-block snack didn't help much.  But you know what saved my ass?


I wasn't going to get to the gym until 6:30pm and was super starving at 5 so I decided to have a mini dinner of two blocks.  Reason #1 being that a full dinner pre-rowing-and-burpees did not seem like a good idea and reason #2 being that I wanted to save two full blocks to accommodate my cheat food...allowed because IT'S WEDNESDAY, FOLKS!  Anyway, I needed to have some good bang for my two-block-buck.  And that is when I decided to roast four cups (that's two blocks...four, yes four, cups) of broccoli.  And no, my insides have no exploded.  Yet.

I must say, for the first time in all my forty years I genuinely enjoyed eating broccoli.  I really can't stand it steamed, though I find it ok raw but generally only as a conduit for, say, onion dip.  Oh good Lord, did I just say ONION DIP?  What I wouldn't give, ya know?  Anyway, I added a three ounce turkey burger in for my two-block protein and it was great.  The perfect little mini dinner.  I had energy at the gym and made it through a tough WOD with a good energy level.  All thanks to roasted.freaking.broccoli.

When I got home, it was cheat food time, baby.  I chose a low-fat cookies and cream ice cream (gross, I know) and it was SO F&%$ING AWESOME.  Half a cup of that was two blocks of fat and two blocks of carbs.  I added some Steve's chicken jerky in for protein (that stuff is amazing and it's also a great company so go order some stuff from them).  And that was my day and this might just be the world's most boring blog post!

It was actually enough.
I don't care how cute you are, you're not getting near my ice cream even if you sit in my face and stare at me while I eat it.
Some really great positives: Again, no afternoon crash.  One yawn at 5pm when I was in need of dinner but other than that, great energy.  And I weighed myself this morning and was down three pounds...which could totally be a fluke or maybe I was standing on one foot or something but at least it was some good feedback in the right direction.

Also, I discovered that the 1/2 cup of ice cream really was plenty.  Maybe it's because I've been eating nothing but very healthy food for three days and that amount of ice cream felt like such a luxury in comparison...which it did.  I know that is part of it.  But I think it's also a realization that a reasonable portion of something actually feels much better than mindlessly eating ice cream from a container (if you don't put it in a bowl, does it count?).  This whole process is about learning...learning to change what we eat, how we eat and when we eat it.  Tomorrow, I am going to focus on changing how I distribute my blocks throughout the day so that you can stop hearing me bitch about being hungry.

1 comment:

  1. blogger won't let me comment when i'm on my phone. suck it, blogger.

    that said, i LOOOVE me some roasted broc too. 2 cups in my hot little lunch pail for later today. mmmmm.... also considering how i distribute blocks too. maybe a 3-1-3-1-4 would be useful? now i'm at 3-4-1-4 and the time between breakfast and lunch is horrid.
